All posts filed under “Design, Behavior and Social Interaction (2017 & 2018)”

Syllabus: Spring 2018: Intelligence(s) in Environments
Thank you to our guests over the Spring 2018 semester: Madeleine Elish (Data & Society), Simone Rebaudengo (, Deepa Butoliya (Carnegie Mellon, soon to be University of Michigan), Emily LaRosa (Carnegie Mellon), Professor David Danks (Carnegie Mellon), and Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tešanović (Casa Jasmina). […]

Design, Behavior and Social Interaction (2017)
Jasper Tom investigated patterns of people’s behavior in Pittsburgh’s Greyhound Bus Station In this short introductory unit, we looked at ways in which the design of environments, and features within them, affects people’s behavior and interaction with each other. Design influences what people do, but […]

Syllabus: Spring 2017: The Invisible
Environments Studio IV: The Invisible is about exploring design, behavior, and people’s understanding, in physical, digital, and hybrid environments. The course comprises practical projects and workshops focused on investigating, understanding, and materializing invisible and intangible phenomena and relationships, such as social interaction, infrastructures, and systems, […]